Loveland, Colorado – Peaceful Waters
Diana is a certified life & success coach who helps clients choose their personal best, whether it be at work or in personal relationships. Coaching works with the future: moving a person from being merely functional to being extraordinary. Her specialty is working with singles, couples and people interested in spiritual & psychological development. Coaching can be done by telephone, Zoom/Skype, so it's is easy to schedule from a distance.
Coaching helps people create the life they really want!
The coaching process includes:
Goals Coaching Addresses:
Diana is a certified life and relationship coach and a trained sacred sexuality coach. She also brings her professional expertise as a licensed clinical social worker, certified sex therapist, and yoga teacher to her work of creating a sacred and safe space within which individuals or couples can learn to integrate sexuality and spirituality into their everyday lives.
At its highest and best, sexuality is an expression of reverence, of our ability to love. Our sexuality is no longer limited to the genitals but is expanded into a passionate and loving response to the wide world. This sexual energy connects us to our soul – that mysterious, positive, powerful force at the core of our being that calls us to delve deeper into life, to discover who and what we really are.
And it starts with you. Diana will work with you, to trust in you – your body, your senses, your goodness – she will coach you on how to transform your sexual energy into a connection to the Divine. Moving beyond emotional “blocks” such as unresolved internal conflicts, unexpressed feelings toward your partner, or fear of intimacy, is her specialty. Whether you are experiencing difficulty in achieving orgasm, maintaining erections, reconciling differences in sexual desire, or simply feeling in a rut with your partner, Diana is your go-to person for sexual and loving transformation.
Diana offers her services through 60-minute face-to-face or phone sessions for $150 an hour. You will get an intake form that will help you identify the issues you want to focus on and the vision you have for your sexual and spiritual relationship.
Call 1-928-445-7501 for more information or to register for coaching.
Email Diana at
“Advance confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined and you will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.”
-Henry David Thoreau
"Diana is a natural coach with the ability to really hear with her heart. She got me back on track and, most important, she empowered me."
— An Arizona Physician
“I can't thank you enough for being my coach! You have remarkable compassion and intuition. You were able to meet me right where I was and help me stretch myself. I literally feel like a bigger expanded and more empowered person. Even now when I'm feeling stressed out about work challenges, I can catch myself and laugh out loud, realizing that I have the knowledge, inner strength, and wisdom to manage my anxiety and channel it towards productive ends. You helped me find the courage to honor a scared and vulnerable voice inside of me, a voice that represents creativity, integrity, and sou1, making me a more complete and vibrant person. I FEEL ALIVE! YAHOO!”
“I love my job! I feel like I’m living out my higher purpose for being here on planet earth. All of my skills, knowledge, and passion are being drawn out into helping young people , discover their own potential. Yes, yes, yes. I am so tempted to say ‘I can't believe it!’ But I now do believe it. I have experienced bringing the unmanifest into the manifest by trusting my divine spirit and giving direction to my intentions. I appreciate your dedication and commitment towards my success. I could always tell you were here for me, you believed in me, and you would support me unconditionally -- a true mentor, a gifted coach, and a beautiful person. I thank you with all the love and joy in my heart.”
— A South Carolina school administrator
"I'd be perfectly willing to let people know of your skills and your professionalism. Your professionalism is there. It's everything I would expect of a true professional. I always felt very comfortable with you. My partner and I had had problems and had broken up several times. I felt there was a slim chance we could put our relationship back together. What came out of 5 coaching sessions was a great deal more honesty and trust. My partner's and my fears of the future dissolved. Your direction helped us communicate, get honest and concentrate on the love we have. Before we came to you for coaching, we were through with each other. Your coaching definitely saved our relationship."
— A former engineer from California
Call 1-928-445-7501 for more information or to register for coaching.
Email Diana at