Diana Owens LCSW



Diana Owens

Arizona Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Training and Background

Diana Owens has a master’s degree in Social Work and belongs to the Academy of Certified Social Workers. She is licensed in the state of Arizona, and has over thirty years experience in the field of counseling and psychotherapy. She is certified as a family therapist, mediator and body-centered psychotherapist.. She was formerly certified as a Diplomate in Sex Therapy and also as a yoga teacher, and has belonged to the American Association of Sex Educatiors, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) since 1995.

Diana has training in Sex Therapy, Trauma-related therapy, Hypnotherapy, Gestalt Therapy, Transactional Analysis, Bio-energetics, Psychosynthesis, family systems, dance and movement therapies, and treatment of sexual abuse, sexual compulsivity, and transgender issues. Diana has Coach Training through Therapist University and Newfield Network. She is a Certified Life Partner Quest Coach.

She has studied Tantra with Margot Anand, Steve and Lokita Carter, Laurie Handlers, and Barnaby Barrat, Other mentors include Jean Houston, Virginia Satir, Domeena Renshaw, John Bradshaw, David Schnarch, Stella Resnick, and Gay & Kathlyn Hendricks.

Diana's Unique Offer

"I offer love, peace and joy to all people and the planet through joyful and passionate service. Through deep acceptance and respect for the unique and precious gift that each human being is, and the ability to listen with my heart, I create a sacred space of safety for each person. They can then experience the opportunity to explore the depths of who they are, learn from their pain, find inner wisdom, access resources for growth and healing, and become their personal and professional best!"

Diana's Message To You

"You are unique and wonderful just as you are! You have everything you need for your own happiness, fulfillment and peace within you. You are divinely made! You can be anything or anyone you want to be. Believe in and trust the process of life working within you and be willing to 'follow your dreams'."

Diana's Professional Services

Life Coaching – $200/ hr

Psychotherapy – $200 / hr

TO REGISTER, email Diana at lovingwaydiana@gmail.com