Many times, people get stuck in their progress towards healing personal and relationship issues. A lot of times, this is because of wounding from past family of origin conflicts or unresolved emotional issues. I address this through psychological work that might include thought field therapy, hypnosis, or family systems work. Some areas that psychotherapy addresses are:
My biggest asset in the sex and relationship therapy that I offer is my comfort with sexuality and knowledge of the field. I also have deep sensitivity to others, their energy, feelings, needs and wants. I have passion for serving others for their highest good, compassion for people’s pain, and love for life and people. I believe in the intrinsic goodness of life itself and the inherent growthfulness of each person. I believe that each person has a bright spark of growth and goodness deep in their core, which when they access it, leads to their essential truth and resources for healing, growth and greatness.
Sex Therapy is one of my main areas of expertise. It is based on the knowledge of both the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of human sexual behavior. It successfully helps both individuals and couples develop a healthier and happier sex life. I work with sexual issues such as the inability to experience orgasm or ejaculation, lack of interest in sex, differences in sexual desire, painful intercourse, inability to have intercourse, and difficulty obtaining or maintaining an erection. I also work with gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender issues, as well as sexual abuse and sexual compulsiveness. I believe that couples’ primary relationships are the biggest source of individual and planetary growth. As couples heal their relationship issues, they become more peace and love-filled, and therefore offer that to the planet herself.
Sexuality and Spirituality - At its highest and best, sexuality is the expression of our ability to love. It is the second most important aspect of who we are besides being human. I offer individual, couple and group programs geared to integrate sexuality and spirituality into people’s lives and relationships. I focus on the following areas in my work:
Tantric Sexuality - Diana has studied with many well-known teachers and incorporates this wisdom in her work.
Sexual Abuse - Sexual abuse can be painful and debilitating. Even though one out of three women and 1 out of 5 men have been abused as children, the subject is still filled with shame, fear and a feeling of isolation. Diana has special training & experience to help people feel safe expressing, understanding and healing from their experience.
Sexual Compulsivity - Sexual compulsivity or sexual addiction is an unhealthy dependency on a mood-altering sexual experience for gratification. It can be a source of intense shame and fear and isolation. Diana provides education & therapy to individuals and couples who want to heal the pain of sexual compulsivity.